Override vmsite-ltr.css

Most VirtueMart 2 users want to change the styles and layouts as defined in the default vmsite-ltr.css. You should create an override file, to which you can apply all desired changes. The file should be copied into your Joomla template’s css folder. Ex: yourdomain\templates\yourtemplate\css\vmsite-ltr.css After doing this, the image paths for some VirtueMart images and […]

Learn how to overwrite plugins in VirtueMart?

In VirtueMart we use the joomla template system to create the overrides of a plugin. To check if your plugin is overridable, then you check your installation. Search for your plugin in the path /root/plugins/group/name, for example: /plugins/vmcustom/textinput If the plugin has a second folder with the same name, then it is using the overridable […]

How to add logo for payment and shipment?

Friends! You can add logo for payment and shipment in 2 steps: Step 1. Uploading the logo in the correct folder The logos must be placed under the following folders: images/stories/virtuemart/payment for the payment methods images/stories/virtuemart/shipment for the shipment methods You can upload the logos via the Joomla media manager: For Joomla 1.5, go in […]

About Template System

The new template system of virtuemart allows fine grained overrides for each category and product. We have the joomla template system: http://docs.joomla.org/Template_Development http://docs.joomla.org/Joomla!_1.5_Template_Tutorial http://docs.joomla.org/Layout_Overrides_in_Joomla_1.6 http://www.spiralscripts.co.uk/Joomla-Tips/using-template-overriding-with-joomla.html The virtuemart default shop template is overriding the joomla configurations. You can choose in the configuration the template and layout for the shop, the category and the product view, you […]

How to configure avatax?

The avalara plugin is for a dynamic tax calculation for whole USA. The configuration is mainly done with a calculation rule. I. Installation – Go to your plugin manager in joomla, select type (drop-down) vmcalculation and enable “VM – Calculation Avalara Tax” – Open your virtuemart administration, =>Taxes & Calculation Rules and create a new […]

Searchable Customfield Usecase

We recommend VirtueMart sampledata for initial testing. And keep defaults if not specified or desired to change. Before you start: – Ensure show search is enabled: browse VirtueMart configuration vm > configuration > templates – Check config of menu item to display Searchable Custom Field. To be sure that the search is displayed, Browse Joomla […]

How to manage currencies in HikaShop?

As you know, HikaShop supports all the existing currencies. It has a currency manager so you can tweak each currency, a currency switcher module that you can use to allow your users to change the current currency, and a system to automatically update the currency rates. Currency Management The first thing you need to do […]

How to create or edit mass actions?

Mass actions will allow you to process almost everything in Hikashop, for example you can edit multiple products as well as categories, orders, addresses or Hikashop users, avoiding long hours of repetitive work doing it element by element. You can also move products from one category to another or change the order status for every […]

How to add products in Joomla’s articles?

Hikashop product insertion/translation plugins are functionalities which will allow you to display your Hikashop products through your Joomla articles. By this way, you can create Joomla articles about your “favorite/most popular/..” products and display your products. Hikashop product insertion: This plugin will be used through your Article creation page. Go to Control panel >> Article […]

How to manage custom fields in HikaShop?

In HikaShop, you can manage all your custom fields, for the customer information, his addresses information, categories information, products information, article information and orders information. With the address custom fields, you can personalize the information you can gather from your customers for each of their addresses. With the user custom fields, you can personalize the […]