How to setup a Multilingual Joomla! Site

In this tutorial, we provide a complete walkthrough of the steps involved in creating a multilingual Joomla! site. 1. Creating the 2 menus Please create a menu for each of the languages. You need a menu pointing to the French articles and a separate menu pointing to the English articles. Step 1: Navigate to Menus > Manage > Add New […]

7 Best Joomla VirtueMart Extensions

Looking for best VirtueMart extensions? Don’s miss this blog we provide you today! The outstanding point of Joomla VirtueMart Extensions In this post, we have for you 7 Best Joomla VirtueMart Extensions that you can add to your Joomla eCommerce site to upgrade Virtuemart, adding new functions or cooperate with Virtuemart and take your business […]

8 Best Free Joomla Photo Gallery Extensions

If you are dealing with creating a beautiful photo gallery on your Joomla website, then using photo retouching services is regarded as one of the most efficient solutions to handle this problem.  Now, we give you some wonderful solutions. Let’s go and grab the best FREE Joomla photo gallery extension suitable best for your website! […]

SEO Optimization and Robots.TXT file

The robots.txt is a file containing information about which folders should be crawled and which should not by search engine bots. The default robots.txt file provided by joomla assumes that all CSS and js files are in the media folder, which is not the case of a lot of Joomla extensions (modules, components, plugins) and […]

How To Configuration Multilanguage Setup For VirtueMart

Before do that, you need to check some things: – Make sure Joomla 2.5.x multilanguage setup is correct. – Go to ‘Extensions’ – ‘Module Manager’ – switch from ‘site’ to ‘administrator’ in the filter dropdown list and publish Multilanguage Status. Then click on Multilanguage Status in the upper right menu line. If everything is […]

Translate Form Fields Using Language Keys

VirtueMart 2 allows you to translate many form fields by adding a language key. This is for all fields. We have an example: In a multilingual shop, you want to translate the gender-specific salutation (title) in the dropdown selection available in shopper forms. Take a look on this screenshot: Go to VM Configuration > Shopper Fields […]

The Basics Of PHP Programming

PHP has a quite normal coding syntax and can be read quite easily. This tutorial focusses on coding format and technics of the VirtueMart code. PHP is space insensitive like html. A ; ends a line. The = sets a value to a variable. The () indicate a function call, the content of functions is […]