How to manage currencies in HikaShop?

As you know, HikaShop supports all the existing currencies. It has a currency manager so you can tweak each currency, a currency switcher module that you can use to allow your users to change the current currency, and a system to automatically update the currency rates. Currency Management The first thing you need to do […]

How to create or edit mass actions?

Mass actions will allow you to process almost everything in Hikashop, for example you can edit multiple products as well as categories, orders, addresses or Hikashop users, avoiding long hours of repetitive work doing it element by element. You can also move products from one category to another or change the order status for every […]

How to add products in Joomla’s articles?

Hikashop product insertion/translation plugins are functionalities which will allow you to display your Hikashop products through your Joomla articles. By this way, you can create Joomla articles about your β€œfavorite/most popular/..” products and display your products. Hikashop product insertion: This plugin will be used through your Article creation page. Go to Control panel >> Article […]

How to manage custom fields in HikaShop?

In HikaShop, you can manage all your custom fields, for the customer information, his addresses information, categories information, products information, article information and orders information. With the address custom fields, you can personalize the information you can gather from your customers for each of their addresses. With the user custom fields, you can personalize the […]

How to use points with HikaShop and HikaSerial?

The Hika components are compatible with several point systems. – Alpha User Points and it’s fork Alta User Points. – EasySocial points. – The β€œuser_points” custom field. So you can use points in your HikaShop store in different ways. For all points plugins you can create several configurations and use all modes. So you can […]

Learn how to use wishlists and carts?

The wishlists are functionality which allows your customers to create a shared list of products. They can add your products in their wishlist and send the link of the wishlist to their friends. Enable / disable the wishlists and multi-carts By default, the wishlists and carts are enabled. Want to disable them, go in HikaShop […]

How to create and edit Bagdes on product images

In HikaShop, you can create badges which will be visible on the images of the product to highlight some specific attributes of some products, like discounts, new products, featured products, etc. On your backend, go to Products -> Badges  Toolbar New: Click β€œNew” button to create a new badge. Edit: Want to edit badge, select that badge […]

Learn how to customize the display

In this post, you will learn how to find the elements you want to customize and how customize them. CSS Edition Follow this part if you need to change the CSS properties of an element. For example, you want to change the size and the color of the price on a product listing, you need your browser […]

How to translate HikaShop?

HikaShop is translated in 30 languages and partially in 11 languages. By default, English is on the installation package, if you use other languages you can create your own laguage. Step 1. Log on the administrator section of your website. Step 2. Go to Components >> HikaShop >> System Step 3. Click on the tab Languages HikaShop will […]

How to setup taxes?

Description You might want to configure several tax categories for your products by going to the Categories HikaShop menu. – You might have a category food and a category electronics with the example above. Then, when you add or edit products, you can set a tax category for each. – Click on the Manage rates […]

Solving problems

Joomla Messaging System If you don’t see any message when you don’t enter correct information during the checkout process, that’s probably because your Joomla template does not contain the tag to display Joomla messages: <jdoc:include type=”message” /> Or sometimes, your template has an option to turn that display off. Then check about such option in […]