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Broken links are one of the worst nightmares for a webmaster. They can get your website’s reputation at stake if not fixed early. The best solution is to use a reliable tool to properly redirect them to the relevant pages on your website.

Why should you use WordPress Redirect Plugins?

As you know, if your visitors accidentally click on an old URL of your page, they will see a 404 error page. This error will hurt your site ranking and bring your site visitor a bad experience. Therefore, it is necessary for you to use the support of WordPress redirect plugins to quickly redirect your website visitors from an old page to a new page. Thanks to that, you can maintain your site’s credibility and reduce the risk of falling your site’s ranking.

Top 9 Must-have WordPress Redirect Plugin

Safe Redirect Manager

SafeRedirect Manager

The first redirect in the collection is Safe Redirect Manager. It outfits you with essential redirect settings inside your WordPress dashboard. Moreover, you can cause custom to redirect leads and select a redirect type yourself. On account of the clear and safe use of this module, it is sensible regardless, for juveniles.

Provided Features:

  • HTTP redirect chief
  • An easy to-use UI
  • HTTP status code
  • Work exceptional on multi-site
  • A spot for notes on the redirect


  • Characteristic derails
  • A brilliant other choice
  • Exceptional module



The second redirect module in WordPress CMS  is likely Redirection. On account of the high handiness of the module and its free availability, it implies more than 2,000,000 downloads. Furthermore, it is totally practical with the latest type of WordPress. Take a gander at it!

Provided Features:

  • Viably direct 301 redirections, screen 404 bumbles
  • All that URLs can be redirected, except for eradicated pages or broken associations
  • There is full assistance for ordinary explanations
  • Can facilitate request limits and even pass them through to the target URL
  • Practical with PHP from 5.4 and more current


  • Easy to use and present
  • Lightweight and incomprehensibly down to earth
  • Amazing assistance

Simple 301 Redirects

Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks

The third module we should recommend is Simple 301 Redirects. In any case, this is an easy to-use instrument that essentially deals with the 301 redirect type. Also, it is a very helpful WordPress redirect module and is significant in changing territories or hosts of your site.

Provided Features:

  • Oversees 301 redirection type
  • Open-source programming
  • Moving toward associations will be perfectly passed along
  • Their PageRank will be passed close by them


  • Unfathomably accommodating and easy to use
  • Mind boggling
  • Respectable module

SEO Redirection Plugin

SEO Redirection Plugin

Another redirect module you should endeavor is SEO Redirection. It licenses you to add and regulate 301 derails your WordPress site with no issue. Furthermore, it in like manner causes you find and fix 404 and fragile 404 goofs by planning into Google Search Console. Take a gander at it!

Provided Features:

  • Truly add 301, 302, and 307 redirections
  • Supports ace in the hole redirection
  • Import/Export incorporate
  • Adding the last access time and full scale hits to the diverts
  • You can redirect coordinators and all their substance


  • Neighborly
  • Totally responsive
  • Heavenly

Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin

Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin

If your site has broken or deleted pages and associations, this module will help you with redirecting them to the new page you picked. It can add different kinds of diverts. Moreover, the module goes with two redirect functionalities.

Provided Features:

  • Works with WordPress Nav Menus
  • Target URL can be to another WordPress page/post
  • Sales URL can be a full URL way or the post or page ID
  • Elective Screen to set overall supplants
  • You can set a redirected page or menu thing to open in another window


  • Smart and simple to add
  • Valuable
  • Work reasonably

404 to 301

wordpress redirect plugin

404 to 301 is an essential WordPress redirect module. It licenses you to redirect your 404 misstep pages to any site page or custom association. Additionally, this module goes with a log director that educates you by implies regarding email alerts about basically all that is going on your site.

Provided Features:

  • You can redirect goofs to any current page
  • You can set custom redirect for each 404 way!
  • No more 404 bungles in your site. Really!
  • Understanding arranged!
  • You can on the other hand screen/log all slip-ups
  • Maintain a strategic distance from ways from bumbles


  • Designer agreeable
  • Easy to use and present
  • Fundamental yet staggering

Easy HTTPS Redirection

wordpress redirect plugin

This module will help you normally set up a redirection to the HTTPS type of a URL when anyone endeavors to get to the non-HTTPS transformation. From here on out, you can choose to have the entire site, with all pages, be redirected to the HTTPS variation of the site, or a few pages to be redirected.

Provided Features:

  • Auto redirecting the entire region name
  • Auto redirecting different pages on your site
  • Compelling weight static archives like CSS, js, and pictures using a HTTPS URL
  • To say the very least


  • Solid
  • Lovely module
  • Totally responsive

WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post

wordpress redirect plugin

The next WordPress redirect plugin that we should introduce is WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post. At first, it is remarkable contrasted with other redirect WordPress modules for 404 WordPress redirection. In addition, it isn’t hard to present and use and normally redirects pages to avoid the 404 not found error. Besides, if nothing tantamount is found, visitors will be redirected to the presentation page or a custom URL.

Provided Features:

  • Therefore perceive any 404
  • Subsequently search a similar post subject to different factors
  • Bar Terms subject to a custom term meta
  • Show the Debug Console rather than being redirected
  • Survey possible redirection from the association board


  • Totally responsive
  • Work fruitful
  • Charming

Simple Website Redirect

wordpress redirect plugin

This useful WordPress redirect plugin enables you to redirect an entire website to another website. You only simply enter the URL you want to redirect the site to,  and set the desired redirection type, set the status to “Enabled”.


  • Allows you to redirect the old page URL to the new page URL


  • Easy to set up and use


Here is all of our collection of the best WordPress Redirect Plugin today. We hope that these plugins will be useful for your site. Besides, Let’s get access to free WordPress themes to get more designs for your site.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!

ET Digital Team

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