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If you are curious about how Joomla 4 New Backend will be looked, this article is for you!

Many useful improvements and features have been included in the current Alpha version of Joomla 4, and there are even more updates and features will be introduced in its stable version. One of the most incredible changes of Joomla 4 is a new user interface of the backend, it becomes definitely different and more friendly than previous Joomla version. Although Joomla 4 Alpha version has introduced the new Backend UI, we’re able to expect more of it in the stable version in backend prototype/design.

1. Typography Style

In Joomla 4, user interface of User Graphic will be different and be more attractive.  Besides, Joomla development team is going to use the well-known “Roboto” web font for Admin Panel in light, thin, regular, bold and black weight style to offer Joomla users a more premium appearance.

joomla 4 back end typography style

2. Colours

New Admin Dashboard will have 2 colours which are light grey and dark blue. The texts foreground & background colour contrast ratio must be from 4.5:1 as per WCAG 2.0 guidelines. The sidebar will use dark blue colour while the full UI has light grey one.

joomla 4 back end color

3. A new Joomla Pattern

This new Joomla Pattern will appear in Joomla 4, it will be on behalf of Joomla community to gather Joomla users at a place. Click here for reading more about the Joomla 4 new pattern.

pattern joomla 4

4. A New Login page

Among many new amazing features which have been added to Joomla 4 Alpha version, there is a new appearance of the Login Page with new Joomla 4 pattern. It provides a new premium appearance with brand logo and it is fully customizable. This new login page also offers the options to set background images behind login area to make it more beautiful.

joomla 4 admin login

5. Advanced work process with Re-structured Admin Dashboard

Joomla 4 new interface of admin dashboard brings more improvements and new interesting features to help your daily workflow on Joomla CMS be much easier. The new sidebar has added all the menus, backend navigation is now placed on sidebar with a collapsed option to help users navigate menu, media, content, templates, components. Site preview is on the top right, and also private message, edit user buttons and notifications to make user interface more friendly.

joomla 4 new dashboard

6. Joomla support is accessible

Because Joomla 4 supports AA compliant, now Joomla users can work on it easier on admin dashboard. When it was in Joomla 3, menu on the screen top and each menu will open another submenu. Now you can go to all areas from submenu and the accessibility problem is no longer a matter.

7. The new menu manager

In Joomla 4, menu system is becoming more flexible, the collapsed sidebar from Dashboard provides every option just with a click or hover on menu item. From this new release of Joomla, many menu items are going to be merged to be one menu item. A plus icon will appear with each menu to add a new item. This improvement has advanced the flexibility and help users to manage items easy and fast.

joomla 4 menu

8. Content

Article, Media manager, Custom fields and modules are going to be part if content with user ratings and articles stats.

joomla 4 content page

9. Edit and Create article

There is a core advance in UI of new article manager, which is you can see the buttons for trash, and feature article when selecting an article to give the UI another style. To edit content with a brand new classic option for editing image inside content, Joomla uses TinyMCE. With links option and article images, it’s easy to drag&drop images to upload. In addition, the third submenu level will disappear with the new sidebar menu view to leave space for article editor.

joomla 4 article edit

10. Components Page

This page has all the Joomla default components such as banners, search, smart search, and more with a plus icon with each one for opening other options.

joomla 4 components

11. Extension Installation

In Joomla 4, extension installation will be on the similar page, now you’re able to install an extension by drag&drop one file, from folder and URL in one view.

12. User manager

It is possible for you to customize users’ user manager by the new flexible options for setting inactive, disabling,  delete and batch users. When you choose a user, Action tab will be active.

joomla 4 user manager

13. System settings

This system settings provides configuration options to install, setup, template, cache, access level, manage and update. Any of those options can be accessed on 1 page.

joomla 4 system settings

14. Mobile View

The appearance of mobile has been changed to bring a professional feel when users open admin dashboard from their mobile device. It’s fully compatible with mobile to access any option.


That’s all of our article today! Thank you so much for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!

Image Credit: Gavick

ET Digital Team

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