Have you known about this amazing integration of Joomla 4 and Bootstrap 4?
Joomla 4 will be sure of bringing us many amazing new features and updates, with advanced code quality, codebase which is cleaner, more latest technologies in use, PHP 7 minimum version required, especially, we have to talk about the integration of Bootstrap 4 and Joomla 4. In today article, we are going to discuss more about this amazing integration to bring you a closer look. Let’s get started!
Bootstrap – What is it?
Bootstrap has been known as the most well-known framework for building responsiveness, website mobile-first projects. It is the open source toolkit to develop with CSS, JS, and HTML. It helps prototype fast the ideas and build an entire app by SASS variables, mixins, extensive prebuilt components, responsive grid system, with robust plugins which developed on jQuery.
Joomla 3 and Bootstrap 2
Released from 2015, Joomla 3.x has been integrated with Bootstrap 2 in Joomla core, also, it is possible to be in use all over on both templates and extensions’ frontend and backend.
This integration received much positive feedback from Joomla users, which encourages developers to develop Joomla extensions and template fast and easy.
Our future with Joomla 4 and Bootstrap 4
These two are both latest version and they have been fully equipped with enormous core updates and improvements, update with latest technologies, more interesting features added than the previous version of Joomla.
How Joomla 4 integrates with Bootstrap 4?
In this release, Joomla 4 will bring us 2 new templates for backend and frontend, which are atum and cassiopeia and both of them based on Bootstrap 4.
Bootstrap 4 and Joomla 4 integrate with each other in Joomla core. Folder of Bootstrap package is on this path:  media/vendor/bootstrap along with three folders:
- Â css
- scss
- js
WhatJoomla fans will get with this integration?
1. Able to develop extensions and templates quicker
This integration is not only supported Joomla users, it also saves developers time for building extension and template.
It’s no need to code from scrape, now you’re able to get Bootstrap 4 ready-made coding blocks in use! Developers blend it with cross-browser compatibility and CSS-LESS functionality to save coding time.
2. Content is created fast and effortless
Bootstrap has been built with components which pre-styled, content elements, flexible and utility layout system for users to build content without any effort. For more approach with those pre-styled components and sample markup, as well as copy markup, and update content, please take a look at Bootstrap document. You don’t need to have experience in technology to use it because Bootstrap offers you many advantages.
3. Mobile-first website and responsive framework
Bootstrap is a great website responsive framework, especially with Bootstrap 4, it is an updated and advanced version for working better on responsive layouts. It can be said that Bootstrap is now the most used HTML, CSS and JS Framework to develop responsiveness and mobile-first website.
Bootstrap with a powerful responsive grid system including 12 columns which makes it easy to customize and use. This grid system is possible to be kept in responsive or just modify it to the secured layout.
4. Packaged Javascript components
Bootstrap contains a Javascript components pack which is to include the functionality crafting it easily to operate tooltips, alerts, modal windows… It is also possible to delete writing scripts.
That’s all of our article today! What do you think about this interesting integration? Don’t forget to share if you find this post useful!
Thank you so much for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!
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