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Hikashop product insertion/translation plugins are functionalities which will allow you to display your Hikashop products through your Joomla articles. By this way, you can create Joomla articles about your “favorite/most popular/..” products and display your products.
Hikashop product insertion: This plugin will be used through your Article creation page. Go to Control panel >> Article Manager >> ’Your article’”, click on the “Product” button to add “Product(s) TAG” to your article.
Hikashop product translation: This plugin will be automatically used through your front-end and will translate your “product(s) TAG”.
In this post, we will learn how to add an Hikashop product TAG to Joomla articles and the different way to display them.

Enable / disable Hikashop product insert insertion and translation plugins

By default, these plugins are disabled. If you want to enable them,then go to “Control Panel >> Extension manager >> ‘Manage’”.

Adding products in Joomla's articles

Inserting a product TAG

Through Joomla article’s configuration screen, you can add products by clicking on the Product button:

add product

This configuration screen will your products and some options:

Inserting a product TAG

Name: This option allows you to display the products name

Description: This option allows you to display the products description

Cart: This option allows you to display an add to cart button

Quantity field: This option allows you to display a quantity field near to the add to cart button

Image: This option allows you to display the products image

Link to the product page: This option allows you add a link to the product page

Item box border: This option allows you to display a border around the products

Display price: This option allows you to choose and display the products prices

Show discounted price: If HikaShop needs to apply discounts to the prices displayed in the module, it can also show the price before the discount to encourage for your customers to buy the products.

Insert: Will add the product TAG to your Joomla article editor

It will display the product TAG:

 product TAG

Different ways of setting up a product TAG

There is the different way of displaying some product TAG:

  • Product tag number 1 :{product}1|name|pricedis3|pricetax1{/product}

Product tag number 1

  • Product tag number 2 :{product}1|name|cart|quantityfield|pricedis3|pricetax1{/product}

Product tag number 2

The quantity field won’t be displayed if your products have variants.

  • Product tag number 3 :{product}1|name|cart|quantityfield|link|pricedis3|pricetax1{/product}

Product tag number

  • Product tag number 4 :{product}1|name|cart|quantityfield|description|picture|link|pricedis3|pricetax1{/product}

Product tag number

Customizing the display further

If you want to go further in the customization of the inserted products display, you should copy the file plugins/system/hikashopproductinsert/hikashopproductinsert_view.php to the folder templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/system/ and then via FTP and then edit the copied file. That way, your modifications won’t be removed when you update HikaShop.

If you have any question about this post, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share with your friends if you find it useful! Thanks!

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