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If you don’t have a plan to upgrade PHP 7, this article may be necessary for you!

As it has been scheduled, Joomla 4 stable version will be released in 2018. In this big upgrade, the development team of Joomla has focused on creating a much better Joomla version for giving users the best experience. Joomla 4 Alpha version released on 19, November 2017 with the intention to make advance testing of custom extensions, then specialists of PHP are able to report issues if there is any problem happen before Joomla 4 stable version releases.

Before discussing about reasons, shall we start from the newest features of Joomla 4?

  • Provide 2 templates which are both newly built with Bootstrap 4
  • Joomla 3.x deprecated functions removed
  • Reworked installation process to give users a better experience
  • Reworked Application for Consoles
  • Integrate with Joomla Framework packages.

Now, let’s get figure out why we should upgrade to PHP 7.


According to Joomla official announcements,  there are some main reasons which convince us to make an upgrade.  PHP 7 can be seen as a superior version from the rest in many aspects by its performance enhancements. If we compare PHP 7 with PHP 5, PHP 7 motivates your site run faster up to 2x in speed, and provide 50% bigger memory consumption. It is secure, new and better features to allow developers to have more great ideas.


PHP 7 is PHP language main release which has fully supported. Security support is going to maintain within a year for the older versions with no security fixes, therefore, your site can be damaged by cyber attacks hitting headlines.

Notably, under PHP 7, your site with Joomla 4 will run smoothly without any trouble till year 2025!

Reveal more considerable features of Joomla 4

There are many features will be included in Joomla 4 with better code quality and a newly built framework. You also have the New Media Manager, an advanced event dispatching system as well as securing new features!

Overall, it is reasonable when Joomla requires us to use at least PHP 7 for Joomla 4.


There are some new main improvements in the new version of Joomla Framework 2.0. These below are several notable security enhancements:

  • Refactored Keychain package which allows saving encrypted data
  • New console package for building greater and safer command line apps.
  • Refactored Router package.
  • Refactored Session package


That’s all of our article today! If you cannot lose any of these great features and advantages of Joomla 4, why don’t you upgrade to PHP 7 now and have a full preparation for the next Joomla 4?

Thank you so much for reading! If you have any question, please feel free to let us know by leaving a comment below, we will reply as soon as possible!

Image Credit: OSTraining

ET Digital Team

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