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Use these settings of Helix Ultimate will help you reduce size loaded template files. It will speed up your website and give your customers a better experience.

 advanced settings Helix Ultimate
Image by Joomshaper

Compress CSS Files

When this option is enabled, it will compress and combine all CSS files to reduce loading time, then increase your Joomla website performance.

Note: Do not enable this option in a development period.

Compress JavaScript Files

When this option is enable, it will compress and combine all JavaScript files into one to decrease the total size and number of requests, then improve your Joomla website performance.

Note: Do not enable this option in a development period.

Sometimes, enabling this option can damage some animation effects. You have to Exclude Javascript Files  by entering the names of javascript files separated by a comma that you don’t want to compress. e.g., jquery.min.js, main.js.

Compile SCSS to CSS

When this option is enable, it will compress all SCSS (stand for Sassy Cascading Style Sheets) files during each load of your website if the SCSS file has been changed or edited.

SCSS is fully compatible with the syntax of CSS, while still supporting the full power of Sass (every valid CSS stylesheet is a valid SCSS file with the same meaning)

Export & Import

Use this feature if you want to transfer basic template setting between templates, except for the transfer demo data like articles, nor module content.

If you have any question about this tutorial, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share with your friends if you find it useful! Thanks! ?

ET Digital Team

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