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VirtueMart Source Code

VirtueMart manages its own SVN repository on the dev.virtuemart.net SVN Server. So it allows you to check out the latest source code! In order to obtain the Sources anonymously (read only) you need to know:

SVN URL: https://dev.virtuemart.net/svn/virtuemart

User: anonymous (no password required)

This is the SVN command that fetches the repository to your local computer:

svn co https://dev.virtuemart.net/svn/virtuemart virtuemart

The SVN server is case-sensitive. Fill in the details in your SVN Program (recommended: SmartSVN ) just as they are provided here.

How to obtain the latest VirtueMart Source Code from SVN

In order to download Source Code from the SVN Repositories you’ll need SVN Client Software. Recommended SVN Clients are SmartSVN (for Windows, Mac OS and Linux) or TortoiseSVN (for Windows only).

You can access the Repository read-only anonymously by using an empty Password.

Development Version

You can checkout the development version of VirtueMart from https://dev.virtuemart.net/svn/virtuemart/trunk.

If the “trunk” is downloaded, you will have 5 new directories:

  • build_scripts (batch/shell scripts to build installable archives)
  • documentation (the documentation sources)
  • jce_plugin (JCE Product Snapshot Plugin)
  • languagemanager (the language manager component to modify language files and add/modify/delete language tokens)
  • virtuemart (the VirtueMart 1.5.x sources)

Latest Code from VirtueMart 1.1.X(Stable branch)

You can checkout the latest version from the stable branch of VirtueMart from https://dev.virtuemart.net/svn/virtuemart/branches/virtuemart-1_1.

If the branch “virtuemart-1_1” is downloaded, you will have 2 new directories:

  • virtuemart (the VirtueMart 1.1.x sources)
  • build_scripts

(batch/shell scripts to build installable archives)

How to build an installable archive from the sources

The build scripts for VirtueMart and written for “Apache Ant”. You will need the scripts and Ant to build installable archives out of the SVN sources.

Download + Extract Apache ANT

You need to install Apache Ant in order to build the archives.

You can download the latest version of Apache Ant here: http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi.

Available ANT Tasks

There are two basic tasks, which will create different package editions

  • one for building the COMPLETE PACKAGE ( Task Name: virtuemart_complete )
  • one for building the Manual Installation Package ( Task Name: virtuemart_manual_installation )

Both tasks will create the Language Pack and a Version for Joomla! 1.0.x/Mambo and one for Joomla! 1.5.

Adjust the file config.properties

Open the file “config.properties” (should be in the same directory as this HOWTO file) with a Text Editor.

Change the value for “svn.dir” to point to your local checkout copy of the VirtueMart Trunk (SVN).


svn.dir    = C:/joomla/VirtueMart/svn/virtuemart

where “C:/joomla/VirtueMart/svn/” is the directory that contains the trunk (“build_scripts”, “documentation”, …, “virtuemart” ).

Run ANT on the command line

Now you need to open a terminal (on Windows: [WindowsKey] + R, then type “cmd”). Change the current working directory to your SVN/build_scripts directory

> cd C:\joomla\VirtueMart\svn\build_scripts

Then run Ant and specify the target (Complete Package or Manual Install Package).

>”C:\Program Files\apache-ant\bin\ant.bat” virtuemart_complete

You will then see some messages being printed on the command line.

When everything went ok ([BUILD SUCCESSFUL]), you should now have a new directory “dist” (if you haven’t changed the path name for the dist.dir variable) which contains the installable files.

If you have any question about this post, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share with your friends if you find it useful! Thanks!

From https://docs.virtuemart.net/

ET Digital Team

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