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The avalara plugin is for a dynamic tax calculation for whole USA. The configuration is mainly done with a calculation rule.

I. Installation

– Go to your plugin manager in joomla, select type (drop-down) vmcalculation and enable “VM – Calculation Avalara Tax”
– Open your virtuemart administration, =>Taxes & Calculation Rules and create a new tax rule
– Choose for “type of arithmetic operation” “tax per bill”
– Set for the math operation “avalara”
Value = 0
Currency = USD
– Check “AvaTax activated” and fill in all the other information asked by AvaTax (Company Code, Account Number, License Key)
– Select the countries you want to use with Avatax
– Use for your products in the tax setup the default “Apply default rules”
– Use in the shipment “Apply no rule”
– Check “Enable the developer server”

II. Enable special shopperfields

If you want to use the exemption number and set the tax usage type, go to your shopperfields and enable them.
In case you updgraded from an version older than vm2.0.16, you must create them yourself. Important is that you name them tax_exemption_number and tax_usage_type, otherwise the plugin wont find the entered data.
If you have too many requests to avatax, use the option “only in the cart”.

III. Avatax Only For Certain Countries/ States

If you want that Avatax is only working for a certain country, but validating the address of the shopper, you can use the country selection in the AvaTax config area.
Use the country/state selection of the rule itself if you need to restrict AvaTax for certain states.

IV. Item Code And Tax Code

Special product taxability rules can be defined using Item and / or TaxCodes.
ItemCodes represent individual products (and are often product SKUs), TaxCodes represent categories of products. It describes a group of products with the same taxability.
For example: ItemCodes of M001 for Milk, E530 for Eggs, and C233 for Cheese.
Product Taxability Rules are defined in the Avalara Admin Console in terms of TaxCodes.
You can easily setup this tax codes in virtuemart creating unpublished categories with the prefix for the slug “avatax-“.

When a product is in a category which has the slug avalara-D00000, then this product is sent with the code D00000.

If you have any question about this post, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share with your friends if you find it useful! Thanks!

ET Digital Team

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