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Are you having trouble with the error “Error updating com_installer_type_type_”? Don’t worry, this blog will give you some effective solutions that will be useful for your error. Let’s check them out

The reasons causing “Error updating com_installer_type_type_”

The error “Error updating com_installer_type_type_” is a bit vague and doesn’t provide much context to determine the specific cause of the issue. However, this error typically occurs when trying to update or install a Joomla extension, and it can be caused by several factors such as database issues, incorrect file permissions, conflict with other extensions, outdated Joomla version, or even server configuration issues.

error updating com installer typ

So how to handle this issue, let’s keep reading to explore our solution in the following section.

How to handle the “Error updating com_installer_type_type_”  error?

In order to resolve this error, initially, you need to check whether there is a free space in the system or not. If the system has any space, let’s remove it.

In case, your system doesn’t appear space, it’s time to go to System > Global Congifuration > Server > Path to Temp Folder.  From here, you need to check whether you have a full path(not a relative one) to the tmp folder of your Joomla site.

In contrast, if you have a full path to the logs folder of your Joomla site, then you need to check in the Path to Log Folder.  To complete this step, you have to access System > Global Configuration > Server > Path to Log Folder.

After trying to apply all mentioned solutions, if the error still doesn’t disappear, it’s necessary to check that all items are writable. You simply open the System > System Information > Folder Permissions tab to do that.

The bottom line

If the error persists after trying these steps, you may need to seek help from the Joomla community forums or a Joomla developer to assist in troubleshooting the issue.

By the way, are you going to change your website’s appearance? If yes, don’t miss our website which includes plenty of bewitching free Joomla templates.

ET Digital Team

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