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Are you looking for the best WordPress Category Plugin to add more powerful features to your website? Luckily, you have just landed in the right place. In today’s blog, we will give you a list of the 6 best free WordPress Category Plugins. Now, let’s check them out.

The advantage of the WordPress Category Plugin

By using the WordPress Category plugin, you are able to easily list your content on your WordPress site. You can sort a load of posts/pages by using different categories. Even these tools also allow you to filter custom post types without reloading the page.

Many plugins allow you to use the shortcode and paste it into your post/page. Thanks to that, you can display the post author, date, excerpt, custom field values, etc.

Top Must-have WordPress Category Plugin

List category posts

List category posts WordPress Category Plugin

List Category Posts – the best free WordPress category plugin which allows you to use the shortcode to list posts by category in a post or page. Simply insert the shortcode in your text and the posts when you’re editing a page or post. The shortcode can be used as many times as needed with different arguments on each post/page. When using List Category Posts without a category id, name, or slug, it will post the latest posts from every category.

Categories Images

Categories Images WordPress Category Plugin

Categories Images – amazing WordPress category plugin that you should not ignore! It allows you to add image with category or taxonomy. You can exclude taxonomies from the plugin to avoid conflicting with other plugins like WooCommerce!

Category Posts Widget

Category Posts Widget WordPress Category Plugin

With the best WordPress category plugin – Category Posts Widget, you can display the most recent posts from a certain category. It comes with many useful features such as Premade Templates, Thumbnail width & height, Set default thumbnail, Shortcode, Multi sites support, and a lot more. You can also go to the Pro version to get more excellent features.

Category Ajax Filter

wordpress category plugin

Category Ajax Filter plugin allows you to filter posts/custom post type’s posts by category instead of having to reload the page. First of all, you can choose specific taxonomy and terms to display on the front end then use Ajax request to filter the posts with various pre-made layouts.

Ultimate Category Excluder

wordpress category plugin

Another useful WordPress category plugin is Ultimate Category Excluder. The main role of this plugin is that it makes it easy for you to exclude categories from your front page, archives feeds, and searches. All you need to do is choose which categories you want to be excluded, the plugin will help you implement all the work for you.

Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order

wordpress category plugin

This powerful plugin enables you to reorder any custom post types you defined including the default posts and pages. It comes with plenty of functionality that helps you easily sort virtually possible for any content of your front website. One of the best things is that the code is very well maintained and compatible with the latest WordPress releases.


Have you found category plugin for your WordPress website? Don’t forget to share with us your selection by leaving a comment below. Or you can also recommend other options below. Hopefully, our blog is valuable for your website.

Moreover, you can visit our Free WordPress Themes to explore a wide array of responsive, awesome, SEO-friendly designs for your website.

ET Digital Team

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