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Quickstart installation with dummy data like demo (only available in PROs version)

* With PRO versions, you can download Quickstart package which contains sample data like our demo site, access all template features. So, you just replace demo content with your content to save development time.

After buying PRO version, you can log in to Customer Area and you will see four packages including:

  • Theme Install package
  • Dummy package (data like demo)
  • Documentation
  • Import Dummy package Guide

You just need to click on the Dummy package (data like demo) in order to download the installed file with .wpress.

***Please install WordPress first, then follow steps below to install your WordPress theme Quickstart package:

Step 1: Download “All-in-One WP Migration” Plugins at Here

Step 2: Upload Plugins

You go to Plugins on Dashboard, click button “Add New” & Upload File


Step 3: Active Plugins

Step 4: Import File

Then you go to “All-in-One WP Migration Plugins”  > “Import”


Step 5: Select File

Select Import from “FILE” . And choose ‘demo.enginetemplates.com-wordpress-[theme-name]-[xxxxxxx]-[xxxxxx]-[xxx].wpress





Step 6: Finish.

If you are required to login again, please login with

user: admin

password: Customer@happyworks-2022


password: Customer@happyworks-123

Note: After importing theme, if you see 100% file have uploaded but nothing happens, please deactive plugin All in One wp migration, then download and install package All-in-One WP Migration 6.6.4.  (Go to Dashboard > Plugins, click button “Add New” and Upload package). Next, you can back to step 4 to continue completing the installation.

Full Video

Fix problem when importing files

***If your hosting is full of space when importing files, here’s how to solve this problem:

  • Step 1: Install plugin wp reset. https://vi.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-reset/
  • Step 2: Reset the site’s database to the default installation values without modifying any files.
  • Step 3: Go to Plugins > remove all plugins which have been deactivated
  • Step 4: Then, start your installation normally.

*** Can’t complete restore process (example: go to 1000% and stop) 

=> Yes, it’s an issue with the PHP timeout problem. By default, the maximum execution time for PHP scripts is set to 30 seconds. If a script runs for longer than 30 seconds, PHP stops the script and reports an error. You can control the amount of time PHP allows scripts to run by changing the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file.

To change the maximum execution time, use a text editor to modify the max_execution_time directive in your php.ini file. The php.ini configuration file contains the default settings for your PHP installation. You can increase the max execution time by updating the max_execution_time directive in this file.

  • Locate the php.ini file on your server.
  • Open the file and search for the max_execution_time directive.
  • Change its value to the desired number of seconds (e.g., 300 seconds for 5 minutes): max_execution_time = 300
  • Save the file and restart your web server for the changes to take effect.


  1. Hello Support,

    I’m having an issue with importing the et_cloud 338MB WPRESS file via the All-in-One WP Migration plugin.

    I’ve increased the upload file size to 512MB, and the procedure stops at 100%, the only way to advance is to click on STOP IMPORT. 🙁

    All-in-One WP Migration Version is 7.3
    WordPress Version is 5.2.2

    Naji Ghebar

    • Kelvin Lancer

      Thank you for your info.
      Please submit ticket with your site URL, admin login and FTP account, so we can help.

  2. John DeJordy

    I bought E.T. – Fishing.
    Is there a way to install this as a hidden, secondary website, without affecting my main website?
    Basically, I want to practice work on the look as it would appear on the web, without changing my currently working website.
    would let me see it. Thanks

    • Kelvin Lancer

      So, you just create new folder ‘etfishing’ at root of your website, then you can access your folder via mywebsite.com/etfishing/
      After that, you can install quickstart package (full website like demo) in this folder ‘etfishing’.

  3. Albert Riemersma

    Does the theme where I have dummy content from need to be active?
    Import does not seem to start on a clean WP install.

  4. Amone

    Hi, I purchased the barber template on creative market and therefore I don’t have login information to log a ticket. The two password options above are not working and after installing the demo version I cannot login to the WordPress site to make any changes with those passwords or my own. Please assist as I cannot have the template stay up as is.

  5. Jenna

    I installed the ET Industrial Theme correctly. But it asked me to login in again and the login info give won’t work. And now I can’t login with my original WordPress information either. How do I fix this?

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