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Are you looking for a solution to handle the “Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual” error? Look no further, in this blog, we will provide you with efficient solutions. Now, let’s check our blog.

Why did your website appear the “Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual” error?

The error message “Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual” is typically related to the Disqus commenting system, which is a third-party service used by some websites to provide commenting functionality. It may occur when there is a temporary issue with the Disqus servers, or if there are network connectivity issues between your device and the Disqus servers.


Don’t worry, in today’s blog, we will bring you effective solutions. Hopefully, they will be useful for your error. Now, let’s check them out.

How to handle the “Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual” error?

If you are dealing with this error, here are solutions that can help you.

Initially, in order to get rid of this error, you can try to use OpenDNS to check whether Disqus is blocked or not. In case, it is blocked, you can unfreeze Disqus by adding Disqus and Disquscdn to your whitelist.

Remember to clear your DNS cache and browser cache/cookies that can help you handle this error because it gets rid of any temporary files that may be causing the error.

Another solution is that you can use the assistance of the Adblock Plus extension. You can install it on your Chrome browser and check whether the error disappears or not.

If you tried to use the two solutions above, however, the error still doesn’t disappear. Then you can try to change your DNS to point to Google. After that, let’s load Disqus again, the error may go away.

In case, none of the above steps work, you can reach out to Disqus support for further assistance.

Final thoughts

The “Disqus seems to be taking longer than usual” error can be frustrating when you are trying to use Disqus. However, there are several steps you can take to resolve the issue. Remember, the steps above are not a guaranteed solution for every situation, but they can help in most cases. If you continue to experience the error despite trying the steps above, you may need to contact Disqus support for further assistance.

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ET Digital Team

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