How to Speed Up a Slow Site With Elementor Page Builder?

Elementor is the quickest page developer for WordPress, however, it may have a setup that causes slow loading. Let see some reasons and solution to deal with this problem. Reasons for a Slow Site/Elementor Servers – It can be from the free or shared hosting administrations in memory, data transmission. Media – images that you upload the header and footer is too […]

How to Access a Section That is Hidden?

Sometimes a section or the section’s handle can become hidden and inaccessible, making it impossible to edit it because another section overlaps it. To solve this issue, you can follow these steps: Step 1: Press F12 right-click to check element on the section Step 2: Find the segment that is inaccessible. It might HTML code like: Step 3: Add Margin-top to the […]

How To Solve Problems In Elementor Page Builder?

Follow this article step by step: Step 1: Check the FAQ and make sure that your server’s PHP version is the most updated versions of Elementor, WordPress and your theme. Step 2: Deactivate all your plugins, then activate your plugins one by one to recognize the dangerous plugin. Step 3: Cleanse the caching plugin. Step 4: Change your WordPress […]

How To Download Elementor With Safari On Mac

In the case that you download Elementor (free or Pro) with Safari program for Mac, you may experience the accompanying issue: Safari consequently opens ZIP documents and in this manner, you can’t download Elementor as a ZIP folder. Therefore, go to your Safari Preferences and under General, then uncheck Open “safe” files after downloading, this can help […]

How To Deal With Destination Folder Already Exists

When you set up Elementor or Elementor Pro, sometimes you can receive a message noticing that: ” Destination folder already exists”. Don’t much worry about that because your Plugins folder already contains a folder for Elementor that makes it impossible for you to transfer it once more. What you can do for this situation, is to sign in into […]

How To Deal With Flickers or FOUC?

If there a FOUC (flash of unstyled content), it can be caused by the way Elementor to embed its templates. Template stylesheets are loaded in the footer, not in a header because the templates embedded cannot be recognized.  This can cause a small flash (flicker or FOUC) when the page loads. Let follow to fix it! […]

Custom Fonts Not Displaying On Front End

Cache Issue This problem can be caused by a cache. Let clear your browser’s cache, as well as your host’s server-side caching, then check once more. In the case that the cache of your browser is not completely clear, you can use another browser. HTTP / HTTPS mismatch Following the below: Step 1: Open Elementor and click Custom […]

Elementor and Cloudflare Rocket Loader

There is an issue with Rocket Loader between Elementor and Cloudflare. This article will give you the instruction to solve this problem. The scripts to load asynchronously are changed by rocket loader which leads to breaks the editor. That’s why an error occurred. You can fix this issue by following: For Elementor pages: Site URL/*elementor* For Elementor templates: Site URL/?elementor_library=* […]